Colchester City Council addresses concerns over Middlewick Ranges ecological reports

PUBLISHED: 16 October 2024

Colchester City Council reaffirms its commitment to transparency and environmental protection as it continues to review the Local Plan, including the site allocation for Middlewick Ranges. In response to recent concerns about the ecological surveys and potential impacts on wildlife, the council wishes to provide clarity and reassurance about the thoroughness of its planning processes.

Following further investigation, the council acknowledges that it received a confidential draft of the Peter Brett Associates (PBA) report in 2018, after the Local Plan Committee had already agreed to submit the Local Plan. This 2017 desktop study scoped the key requirements that later developed into a more detailed 2020 report by Stantec, after PBA’s acquisition by Stantec. Both reports were produced by the same lead ecologist, with the 2020 report building on the earlier findings to provide a more thorough ecological analysis of the site.
The decision to allocate 1,000 homes to Middlewick Ranges was made in June 2017 and submitted to the government in October 2017, before the council received the PBA report (and before work on the report was undertaken). At the time, it was understood that further ecological work would be required, which led to the 2020 Stantec report. This report was reviewed by the Planning Inspector as part of the planning inquiry.
Councillor Andrea Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment and Sustainability, said: “The council is committed to making planning decisions that protect our environment and support sustainable development. The statutory review of the Local Plan, which happens every five years, includes a comprehensive re-examination of all site allocations, including Middlewick Ranges. This review will consider all new evidence, including the findings from the latest ecological surveys commissioned by the council, to ensure that we continue to make informed and responsible decisions.”

The council understands the concerns regarding potential impacts on wildlife, including species such as Nightingales. The independent ecological report, alongside other evidence, will be a key factor considered by the Local Plan Committee when determining the future of the Middlewick Ranges.

All relevant evidence will be collated and published at the appropriate time to support the Local Plan, including that which is relevant to the ecology interests of Middlewick Ranges.

In the meantime, the council’s ecological consultants have begun conducting botanical and invertebrate surveys across various seasons to ensure a complete environmental picture of the Middlewick site. These ongoing surveys will provide critical insights into the site's biodiversity and guide future planning decisions.
The council encourages continued public engagement in the Local Plan Review process. Residents are invited to share their views on the future of Middlewick Ranges through the designated channels.

Any future considerations or revisions related to the Middlewick Ranges site will be handled through the Local Plan Committee as part of the formal statutory process. The council remains dedicated to ensuring that all decisions are made based on the most up-to-date ecological and planning data available.

Page last reviewed: 16 October 2024


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